Missions Overview

Living Hope Bible Church has the joy of supporting multiple missionaries who serve the Lord abroad.

On occasion, we also have missionaries share with us at Prayer Fellowship nights or during the Adult Sunday School hour.

Scroll down to view the latest updates from the various missionaries we support.

LHBC is a Great Commission church involved in winning, building, equipping, and sending disciples to reach others for Christ (Matthew 28:19-20; Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 1:18-19).

If you have questions on our Missions Ministry, please contact David, Nate, Vera, Alex, or Aurel missions@livinghopebible.org

Scroll down to see the Missionaries we have partnered with.

Meets 3rd Fridays  |  9:30am - 11:30am  | fellowship hall

If you are local and would like to reach others for Christ through our service-oriented Shalom Ministry, we invite you to join us! Shalom Ministry is a missions-focused ministry where we prepare newborn packets for the Shalom Birthing Center in the Philippines. These gifts of love go to new moms in extremely poor areas. 

Click here for meeting details. For questions, please contact Betty or Margaret shalom@livinghopebible.org

missionaries we support

We have partnered with the following people who have committed their lives to reach the unsaved people of the world.

  • Justin & Rebecca

    J & R and their four children are part of the ministry team at The Expositor’s Academy (TEA) in Manila,

    Philippines. TEA is a biblical training center committed to serving the church by providing theological

    training for pastors and church leaders. TEA is a member of The Master's Academy International, an

    association of like-minded training centers committed to "[training] gifted and qualified indigenous

    church leaders, giving them the tools they need to plant and pastor Bible-centered, Christ-exalting

    churches." As a member of TEA, J’s ministry includes teaching classes, developing curriculum, and helping to

    expand the ministry throughout the region. The whole family is grateful for the chance to serve in a local

    Filipino church.

    “For here we have no lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.”

    Hebrews 13:14

    Click here for their latest newsletter - November 2024

  • Rebecca Heib

    Rebecca is serving with Tecate Mission International as a teacher at Tecate Christian School, located on the California/Mexico border. With a love for people and a deep burden to see individuals come to a personal relationship with Jesus, Rebecca is actively involved in evangelism and discipleship while teaching 6th grade to children who live in Tecate, Mexico. Rebecca's goal is to share the love of Jesus throughout the community there, both in word and in action.

    Click here is Rebecca's latest newsletter - November 2024

  • Katherine mosher

    Katherine is a missionary teacher with Mission Aviation Fellowship at Hillcrest School in Papua, Indonesia.

    Here is Katherine's latest update - October 2024

  • Jerry and Candis Bingham

    Jerry and Candis serve with Tecate Mission International as missions mobilizer. Jerry and Candis have been career missionaries and served in Uganda for 13 years prior to joining Tecate Mission in 2015. They are still involved in supporting various ministries in Uganda. They now reside in Vancouver, Washington. 

    Here is Jerry and Candis' latest update - December 8, 2021

  • J and P B

    J and P B are serving an unreached tribe in Asia.

ROMANIA Short-term mission trip 2025

We plan to send a team to Romania in 2025. Deadline to apply is now closed.