missions & vision

The mission of Living Hope Bible Church is to share the gospel with those who have not received the Good News and to help Christians mature in Christ. Therefore, 

We envision a biblical church...

     ...that honors the Word of God. The Word of God is to be central in our teaching, training, counseling, discipleship, small groups, and other ministries.

We envision an evangelistic church...

     ...that loves the Lord and makes the Great Commission a priority. We envision a church that consistently extends the wonderful news of salvation to those who have not experienced God's transforming grace. The gospel message will not only be communicated during Sunday worship but will also be brought into the community through individual believers reaching out to families, friends, and neighbors.

We envision a spiritually growing church... 

     ...which encourages every believer towards spiritual maturity. It is our aim to help people through the stages of spiritual development: investigating Christianity, receiving Christ, integrating into this local church growing as a mature Christian, becoming equipped to serve and disciple others. We envision achieving this through classes, training, small groups, discipleship, and mentoring. 

We envision a loving church... 

     ...which loves God wholeheartedly and others as Christ loved them. We desire to establish a community of believers where acceptance, guidance, encouragement, and forgiveness are the norm and where genuine relationships make a difference leading to changed lives. 

We envision a family church that...

     ...builds strong FAMILIES that have a passion for our Lord Jesus Christ. We support the strengthening of marriage relationships and the raising of godly children. We encourage families to take opportunities to serve together within and outside the local church.

     ...believes that CHILDREN and YOUTH ministries are essential to the building up of the church body. Ministry staff partner with parents to evangelize, nurture, and train these young people to be godly Christian leaders of tomorrow in the church, the community, and the world. 

Our Values

1. Godly Servant Leadership

2. Bible-Centered Preaching & Teaching

3. Life of Worship and Prayer

4. World Missions and Evangelism

5. Spiritual Growth and Training

6. Well-mobilized Laity / Congregational Involvement

7. Strong Families